
A new temperature record for the Mediterranean Sea

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea set a new temperature record this summer (2024). On 15 August, the median sea surface temperature rose to 28.9°C. On the Egyptian coast at El-Arish, it reached a maximum of 31.96°C.

A new temperature record for the Mediterranean Sea Read More »

The waters of the Mediterranean Sea set a new temperature record this summer (2024). On 15 August, the median sea surface temperature rose to 28.9°C. On the Egyptian coast at El-Arish, it reached a maximum of 31.96°C.


The Power of Emotions in Videos: Catalyzing Behavior Change on Climate Change

Climate change is a pressing global issue that demands urgent action. In the realm of climate change communication, videos have emerged as a powerful medium to engage audiences and inspire behavior change.

The Power of Emotions in Videos: Catalyzing Behavior Change on Climate Change Read More »

Climate change is a pressing global issue that demands urgent action. In the realm of climate change communication, videos have emerged as a powerful medium to engage audiences and inspire behavior change.

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